Why do Daddies tend to be More Protective over their Daughters?

Do you have a daughter? And you're always worried about her. Don't worry, you're not alone. I also have a daughter and I know how it feels. I got married in 1997 and blessed with two kids. My first son was born in 2001 and it's a mix feelings. Of course, I am happy. Watching his face the day he was born, feels like I was watching myself. That was the day when I turned myself from an adult man into a daddy. It was the best day of my life.

But when my daughter was born in 2006, it was a different feeling. I don't want to pretend. I am happy but at the same time I am worried. Watching her, is like watching her mother. Of course, I love my wife with all my heart. But I can't deny the fact, that I was linked to many women before I got married. And that's where all my worries started. It's about reminiscing the good and the bad times about women. Most of all, I remember the day when I made a woman cry for I was a jerk. It's about believing in a bad karma.

You can call me an OA (over acting) on this issue. But for sure, I am not alone. Daddies are mostly over protective over their daughters. Our reactions are different and we tend to be more sensitive about their developments. And we have too many questions in our mind. What I'm gonna do when my daughter has her first period? What if my daughter has a boyfriend? What if my daughter is in drugs? And worst of all, what if my daughter gets pregnant? And the questions will never end.

The complexity of a parent is always challenging and interesting. As life goes on, there are more questions than answers. Sometimes our success are over shadowed by our worries. Sometimes we don't realize that life is just a cycle and there's nothing we can do about it. And whether we like it or not, our children would go through in this cycle of life. 

But on the other side. Our daughters bring joy and happiness to our life just like our sons do. And I have to admit, I am the spoiler in the family and sometimes bias. While we always want to be fair with our children, the word "Daddy's Girl" sounds pleasant to our ears. And I don't know why.

You may agree or disagree with me, but this is how I see it. So please, don't misunderstood this thing that I don't love my son. My son is as precious as my daughter.

Written by: Neil Edwin R. Wagas


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